Yesterday I spent the day with my Mom and Aunt. My Mom wanted to hit a few stores, and ever since she lost her eye I have been nominated as the driver.
Now normally I don't mind doing this, I love my Mom, but sometimes I would love to knock her out.
Shocking I know, but my Mom was in one of her moods which consisted of asking me a million questions. I'm sure your asking but bitter server what kind of questions could you poor old Mom ask to illicit such a violent reaction.
Well I will tell you, the questions were about boys and me, or the lack there of...
It starts off with... Have I met anyone yet.
No Mom I have not
Why not? Don't you like boys anymore??? Your not Gay are you???
No Mom I'm not gay...
Then why don't you have a man in your life???
And on and on it went with my Aunt backing her up.
My Mom equates happiness with men, I think.
For the most part I'm happy with my life, and like most people I would love to share it with someone, but so far I haven't found that special someone.
My Mom thinks I'm not trying to meet anyone. I guess shes kinda right cause its not that big a deal to me. If I meet someone cool if I don't cool.
I just wish that my Mom would drop the subject, and accept the fact that I'm O.K with being single.
Plus my dream has always been the crazy cat lady!!!!!
My Birthday, and My Friend Nadine
1 month ago