Wednesday, October 1, 2008

allow me to introduce myself

Hello all fellow bloggers

I'm new to the world of blogging so be kind...
I am bitter server from Canada! I'm not really that bitter, only on Wednesday's, well actually any day ending with 'day'... It's tough being in the service industry some day's. I will bore you with those details in a later post

I'm a single girl, in my early 30s, gawd I hate saying that.... Early 30s seems so wrong when I feel like I'm 20.
I love watching T.V, which almost pains me to admit.
I'm also a big fan of reading books.
Well "Bones' is on so I'm off.

Looking forward to meeting you all!


Princess of the Universe said...

Oh Good Lord you added word verification. Annoying!
Does this mean I can't call you my dear anon anymore???

I will do an into post for you asap!

brandy said...

Welcome to blogging!! (I'm here on the great recommendation of the Princess). I look forward to reading your work!

Kim S. Yee said...

Я счастлив видеть, что Вы - blogging ваше мнение для всех, чтобы видеть. Я буду пробовать поддержать на высоком уровне и оставлять комментарии!!Я счастлив видеть, что Вы - blogging ваше мнение для всех, чтобы видеть. Я буду пробовать поддержать на высоком уровне и оставлять комментарии!!

(apparently, the Russians have no characters to spell "blogging", so it's in english...crazy Russians)

:) Kimber

server extraordanare said...

Princess- I think I fixed the verification thing. I hope.

Brandy- thx for the support!

Kim- your a dork and your lucky I love you

Anonymous said...

I'm in my mid 30's and still act and feel 20!

Welcome to blogging!

James said...

Hey welcome dear anon. If you are a friend of the Princess you should be quite funny at least.

server extraordanare said...

Hilly- Thx for stopping by.

James- I think I might be funnier in person!