Thursday, October 2, 2008

I am a server

I am a server at a family restaurant chain. For the most part I enjoy my job! I do have to say though I hate being asked.... 'is that all you want to do with your life, be a server'?

Obviously when I was younger I had other hopes and dreams, which so far has not happened. But to imply that all I am is a server is kinda rude.

Being a server is not as easy as it looks. You have to be able to multi-task like a demon getting new souls. You have to smile ALL DAY. Which might sound easy, but let me assure you it's hard. You can't be having a bad day, cause your guest don't come in to hear about how crappy your life is.

The hardest part of my job, is having to stand at a table, listening to a guest tells me how crappy their meal is, and still smile. When all I want to do is to tell the guest to F-Off....

The best part of my job is though... It doesn't come home with me. I don't sit on my couch streesin about my job. I punch out, go home and I'm done!!!!

The other best part is, I only work 5 hrs a day. 5 hrs people... I own my house, my car, and take a yearly trip by only working 5 hrs a day Monday to Friday...
Jealous yet?


Princess of the Universe said...

Wow- way to put yourself out there! Careful you don't start getting lawyer letters!

I think serving is one of the hardest jobs ever. And you make an excellent point- you're not going to end up on drugs and in therapy (like me) because of it.

However, the house, and car and trip? It's cause you're a freakshow about saving money dear. ;P


Kim S. Yee said...

I agree with our POU-ey friend there...heh...I said pooey.

I've often wondered if I could handle being a server, but I soon realize that it takes more than just a winning personality to deliver a 100% job review. So far, you're the only one I know who can attain that! You rule. And you're still my favorite "career waitress"...*hee*

server extraordanare said...

Princess- I am not a freak about money!

Kim-You should have seen me today, I was on fire!

James said...

Yeah that last sentence did hook me...good for you!!

I would think the best thing about being a server is that you can make a difference to someone's you know if you have ever done that for a fact? Make somebody's day better? Discuss...

I got a feeling your blog is going to be a good meaty one..I like those the best.

server extraordanare said...

James-I'm not sure if I have changed someone's day in a positive way. I do know that we develop relationships with the regulars.. To the point where I think I know too much. LOL

Random Musings said...

I LOVE being a server.. I work a day job and I work PT as a server at a family chain in the evenings.

I need to do something to support my shoe habit....